Understand more about your reproductive health with fertility testing
Understanding more about you and your reproductive health can help us determine the best treatment plan for you and your journey.
Who is it for?
We recommend fertility treatment for:
Fertility testing is a great way to gain greater insight into your own body and health. We can help you take charge of your own fertility.
Our Solutions
Female Fertility Test
Our fertility specialists use blood tests, ultrasound scans and sometimes minor surgical procedures to assess your reproductive health.
Female hormones (FSH, LH, oestrogen, progesterone) fluctuate during a woman’s cycle. Measured at specific times during your cycle, we can determine whether you are ovulating (releasing an egg from your ovaries) and how well your ovaries are functioning.
Additional hormonal tests (such as TSH, prolactin) are used to exclude endocrine conditions that can disrupt ovulation. AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone) is a marker of egg reserve (as women age, their egg count and AMH levels decline). It’s worth noting that AMH gives an indication of the quantity of eggs but does not predict egg quality.
We also use pelvic imaging studies to assess your reproductive tract (uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries) to exclude conditions like endometriosis, PCOS or any anatomical factors that may prevent a successful pregnancy. Adding a tubal patency test can confirm that there is no blockage impeding the flow of sperm or eggs.
Surgical procedures (performed under anaesthesia) provide additional evaluation of the uterus and pelvis but are usually only required if there is a specific indication. With hysteroscopy, a camera is inserted into the uterus via the vagina to assess the inside of the uterus. Laparoscopy uses small incisions in the abdomen to look inside the pelvis. Both are minimally invasive procedures that can be diagnostic (looking for a condition) and therapeutic (removing the problem) at the same time.
Male Fertility Test
The male fertility assessment focuses on semen analysis. For a standard semen analysis, the volume of the semen is measured, the number of sperm counted, the motility (their ability to move efficiently) evaluated, and their morphology (size and shape) assessed. Additional tests include looking for the presence of sperm antibodies and DNA fragmentation. If the semen analysis reveals abnormalities that make natural pregnancy difficult, a second semen analysis is performed to rule out a temporary interruption to sperm production. If the semen analysis results repeatedly fall outside the normal range, your specialist may suggest additional blood tests, such as hormones (testosterone, FSH, LH, Prolactin) and genetic tests, as well as an ultrasound of the scrotum. Once we have a good overview of your reproductive health, our fertility specialist will be able to discuss options for increasing the likelihood of conception.
Our team provides specialised, compassionate fertility care.
What will your journey look like?
Your journey from this point onwards will depend on the results from any fertility testing.
This is great news if you’re actively trying to have a baby, you may just need to keep trying for a little longer to make it happen. If you’re considering freezing your eggs to start at a later date, we can begin discussing fertility preservation.
Our recommendations may be as simple as making some basic lifestyle changes to improve your fertility, or it might be that we need to explore fertility treatment.
Our team of specialists will review your results, and work with you to develop a personalised plan for your fertility journey.